Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Sunset

Winter Sunset
Originally uploaded by Pierre Contant
During my holidays there was only one day in the week that was forecasting sun. This was obviously the day I was going to take advantage of the light but what I didn't know was that this was also the day my wife was going to take advantage of my painting abilities. So you can image how enthusiastic I was to be painting inside the house as I looked out the window to see the beautiful sunny day. By noon I was done my bit and finally got to get out of the house.

I headed up north to discover new landscape. The more I drove, the cloudier it got. By the time I got to where I wanted to go, it was overcast and gray. I turned aournd drove back and as I got closer to my home the sky got clearer and clearer, only to realize that it was sunny all day at home.

I got the snowshoes out and headed to a small river and captured this Winter Sunset as the clouds from the North finally moved in. As I stood there on thin ice, I couldn't stop but think how unlucky I had been, missing out on all the days light. And then I thought, with my luck today, I better get off this thin ice before I start swimming with a tripod and camera.

From the brighter side of the darkroom,


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Southampton Lighthouse

Another example of having to wait for the right conditions to get the image you want. This was taken in Southhampton and my previous attempt to capture this image was not to my liking. The sky was not clear and the clouds were not great either but the first attempt allowed me to work the area and establish a plan for this image.

And although one would think this shot was taken on a hot summer night, it wasn't. In fact I took this image on our return from Port Huron USA. That day it reached a high of 30C in Port Huron but a cold front was moving in from the north. As we drove back to Sauble Beach that evening I had timed our return so that we could be in Southampton at sunset. By then it was cold at about 13C and the wind was blowing from the North.

I got out my truck while my family watched me adventure out on to the rock pier. I set up my tripod and camera and starting shooting. The water was splashing onto my camera and lmy lens but I didn't have any thing to wipe the lens so I had to take my T-shirt off to protect my equipment between shots and to clean the lens. My wife thought I was stupid and convinced I must have been freezing. The fact is that I was so concentrated and consumed by the shoot that temperature was the last thing on my mind.

The end result was worth all the efforts.

From the brighter side of the darkroom,
