Let me start by saying that I have the utmost respect for wedding photographers, good ones that is. 20 years ago I shot weddings, motivated by my passion for photography and my hopes to make money to pay off my equipment and then buy more!
A couple of years into it, the motivation came to a sudden halt when the realities of shooting wedding came to light.
I don't shoot weddings anymore because:
1 - I'm meticulous (some would say perfectionist) and like to do things well. I'll redo it until I like it. Bride's aren't to crazy of getting married a second time if you screwed up!
2 - Way too much pressure - You are shooting non stop and you need to perform.
3 - Time - time is always limited and you are rushed. Unfortunately my creativity takes time, something you don't have(time) when you shoot weddings.
4 - Money - Time is money and I don't think you can pay me enough to lose a Saturday and then the countless hours to process the images. But if you think you can then maybe I can be convinced!
From the lighter side of the darkroom,