FULL - This workshop is now booked. If you wish to be on a cancelation list, please send me an e-mail.
I’m looking at hosting a Digital Photography Essentials workshop this fall. I have a few things I need to iron out but I should be in a position to confirm if the workshop will take place in a few weeks.
Where: Temiscaming , Quebec
When: The tentative date is Saturday September 26th, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., rain or shine. A one hour preparation session will take place the night before from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. to get started and ensure that everyone is prepared for the next day.
Workshop Outline: I will cover just about everything in digital photography except for post processing and studio lighting. At least 4 hours of the day will be out in the field trying and testing the various learning with one-on-one coaching. Night time and flash photography will be covered after dinner.
Prerequisites: You need to be a serious amateur willing to learn and improve your photographic skills.
Required Equipment: A DSLR and a tripod is a must. Most Point & Shoot (P&S) digital camera will not qualify as they do not have the level of functionality required.
Limited seats: The workshop will be limited in participation in order to maximize the one-on-one instruction. Since space is limited, seats will be on a first come, first served basis.
Workshop Fees: The cost for the workshop is $100. You will need to bring your lunch and cover your dinner costs.
Language: My last workshop was in French only and this one may be in English depending on who attends. If the lectures are in English, French may be used during the one-on-ones to better explain and understand the theory.
f you are interested in improving your photographic skills by participating in this workshop or have any questions, please e-mail me at pierre.contant@yahoo.com as soon as possible.